Tag Archives: Redemption

Redemption (theology), an element of salvation to express deliverance from sin.

God, Gravity, and the Change Between the Couch Cushions is available on Amazon

God, Gravity, and the Change Between the Couch Cushions has been uploaded and released on Amazon.  For Prime members it is free to borrow.  I look forward to everyone’s feedback.



Letter to Lucifer released on Amazon

On April 19th, 2013, I wrote this letter. I was in the middle of finishing a chapter for my book GGBCCC. In the midst of typing, my train of thought was interrupted and Letter to Lucifer from The Witness just came out. I did not sit down intending to write it.
This is just a letter, perhaps two pages in length.  I included it with God doesn’t Whisper.  I was moved to write it in a heavenly ecstasy of emotion.


I usually put it up for free download once a month.