You have the keys

St. Maccarius tells us that inside the human heart are all manner of things.  All the dragons and demons and wickedness and chains of the Abyss reside with the Angels, glory, and wonder of Heaven within the heart.

You have the keys.  The keys to your our future.  Your own destiny   You can live in fear.  You can live in this temporal world.  You vluntarily wear the bonds.  You lock the chains that hold your own soul and spirit down in the Abyss.  YOu choose this life.  You choose whether your existence give you the wings of heavenly angels or chains you to the demons of the Abyss.

Our societal programming is incredibly difficult to circumvent.  Deprogramming and extracting yourself from the system you have promoted and subscribed to your entire life would damage your reputation, the expectations others set on you, your family’s future.  All this is a fabrication of the ego.  The Ego weaves an incredibly seductive set of lies to entrap you in this existence.  Rather than serving others, you serve yourself.  You raise your children to be successful rather than decent human beings who serve one another.  Every action in life becomes a zero sum game where winning means getting something for yourself.  You find yourself defined by ultimately meaningless things.  You work to make money to pay bills to buy stuff to work harder to make more money to pay more bills.  Everything of true value is set aside in a quest for commercialized consumerism and temporary satisfaction.


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